Sunday, August 28, 2011


I got a new bed.  Now that may not seem like much, but because of trouble getting in and out of bed, I’ve been sleeping in a recliner. All I can say today is “owwww!”.  I ache all over.  Hopefully, my experience will be put to good  use.
Since I have language skills, I’ll interpret the secret of the crying baby.  Those of you with newborns may want to take notes.
You know the feeling of desperation when your baby cries at night.  They’re not hungry.  They’re not wet.  What could be wrong?  I’ll tell you.  They are uncomfortable. 
That cute little onsie she’s wearing may have a wrinkle that’s giving her a sore spot.  Or staying in one position may be causing an uncomfortable pressure point on her delicate skin.  I know.  I’ve been there.
So pick her up for a kiss and a hug.  Soothe her.  Then rock her back to sleep.  I know that would make me feel better.  Love always does.
You can thank me later.


No snowflake falls in an inappropriate place.

A Very Good Place to Start

How did I end up here?  Blame it on the Betties.  And I’ve been thinking about blogging anyway.
I am the youngest resident in a senior living facility.  No, I’m not that old, though the AARP does stalk me.  I’m facing a 3/4 life crisis. That’s 60.  No, I got sick.  My advice is not to do that.  It can change your life.
This place is pretty nice.  Three meals a day, happy hour on Fridays, and a donut on Saturday mornings.  I have my computer, my Uverse, my itunes, books for entertainment, and now blog updates.  And being here resembles some sort of PBS sitcom.  It’s funny but doesn’t have enough appeal for network tv.  Though USA network is a possibility since they’re always saying “characters wanted”.
More to come.